Entitlements and Oil
Thomas Friedman of the NYT writes a perceptive column about Israeli productivity and innovation entitled "Israel Discovers Oil" (available here for non-subscribers).
In it, Mr. Friedman, no lover of Israel, waxes about young Israelis committed to innovation and expanding Israel's economy, a source of riches that does not wane.
He quotes Israel's leading venture capitalist: “Today, every Israeli Jewish mother wants her son to be a dropout and go create a start-up”.
What do our chareidi Jewish mothers (and fathers) want?
- Do they want our children to make a creative contribution to Israel, our Orthodox community, and the world and expand wealth?
- Do they want the Agudah & Co to keep pressing for added entitlements to the point where the Israeli economy is hobbled?
- Do they want those not destined to be a Chazon Ish to have only the option of melimdus or safrus?