No Takers
In my last post I asked for anyone having ways and means (eitzas) to deal with nisyunos on the internet to share them with us.
No reponse.
Do we (1) not have nisyonos, or (2) not deal with them?
An honest effort to reconcile the trichotomy of our Kol
Korahs, our actual use, and what all this means to our children
(and related issues or those which interest our members).
New Guests:
Please peruse first posted article ('Call for Action'(Click on December '04 and go to bottom).
It's the starting point for this blog!
In my last post I asked for anyone having ways and means (eitzas) to deal with nisyunos on the internet to share them with us.
I'm reprinting, with slight edits and an added afterward, what I wrote last year at this time:
Does anyone know whether Rav Breslauer ossured the internet, or spoke out against the 'net?
For making it clear that the internet is a (the?) major source of information for our community, even in Lakewood.
Michael Thomas, body collector for Wayne County (Detroit, Michigan):
“My theory?” Mr. Thomas offered. “White people kill themselves. Black people kill each other. Chinese people don’t die.”
A spokeswoman for the Musharraf dispensation in Pakistan observed that